Spirituality and the Corporate World

Tina Linhard and Meera Raghu (Editors)

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Has been a scientific fruit of a joint CICA (International Conference of Conflict and Aggression) and CCA Global (Centre for Conscious Awareness Global) conference which was held online using zoom technology. This was a last-minute change due to the restrictions and challenges which faced the organizing team due to the Corona Virus. The original conference was to have been held in Albany New Zealand on the 7-8th of April, 2020, but the younger members of the team braved using the then new technological developments so the conference could go ahead regardless. This conference was one of the first online international conferences to be held, and it was beamed out of Australia.

ISBN: 978-84-09375-40-0
GÉNERO: Ensayo
TAMAÑO: 15 x 21 cm

Tina Lindhard

Has a Ph.D. in Psychology (Consciousness Studies) from the International University of Professional Studies, Hawaii, USA, where she is now a mentor. She also has an MA in Transpersonal Psychology from ITP (Sofia University). Her prime interest involves the connection between the heart, consciousness and its different levels. Her investigations and scientific articles are mainly concerned with consciousness, the Female Principle, embryology, intuition and when Spirit enters into matter. She is President of the Centre for Conscious Awareness Spain, and chair of Consciousness Research, CICA International. Tina is also a certified Intuitive Meditation (Arka Dhyana) Instructor, Craniosacral Therapist, and has developed a Heart-based Intuitive Therapy to help people through the emotional layer when they start meditating on the deeper Self.

Meera Raghu

Has a master’s degree in Physics and graduate certification in Computer science/programming. She is a certified instructor of Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation and has taught in New Zealand and India. Meera is a classical music instrumentalist, music teacher and performer. She has a certificate of distinction in Sound Therapy Diploma from the Centre of Excellence UK. Meera is a researcher in the therapeutic effects of music and sound. She presented a paper ‘A Study to Explore the Effects of Sound Vibrations on Consciousness’ at the XLIII CICA Conference: ‘Understanding Consciousness, Wellbeing, Emotions and Conflict’, organized by CICA and CCA Global, in Mysore India in January 2018. She has also written articles in science newsletters.